Search Engine Optimization Tutorial
How To Do Search Engine Optimization
In the early days of the internet, a website owner had two choices. He could advertise using Banner Ads, PPC campaigns, sponsored results and other tools or he could create his website and wait for searchers to find him organically using Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization Tutorial
As the web becomes more crowded (and used by more people), website owners began wondering—why does ABC Mortgage show up higher on the results page of Google when searching for "mortgage" than XYZ Mortgage does? Thus, began the study of search engines and what makes them work. Before long, the early days of SEO - Search Engine Optimization had arrived.

What Is Search Engine Optimization
Put simply, Search Engine Optimization - SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of a certain website within a search engine. Every change that occurs to a webpage will have an effect on how the search engines see it. It may surprise you, but Google knows when you update your page regularly, it knows when you publish a new article and it knows when another website displays a link to your site. Not only does Google recognize these actions, but also in some cases, these may affect how high (or low) your page is displayed in the search engine results page (SERP) for certain key words.
The best practices for SEO change rapidly as the search engines change their algorithm for displaying results. A few years ago, a page could rise to the top by stuffing keywords in where they did not belong or even posting paragraphs full of hidden words at the bottom of the page. These techniques are referred to as blackhat SEO and have always been frowned on by many in the industry. Changes within Google (and Bing, Yahoo, etc.) have all but eliminated the usefulness of utilizing these extreme (and annoying) measures. The search engines today reward quality pages that take advantage of high quality SEO techniques sometimes referred to as White Hat SEO techniques like the ones outlined below.

Keyword Research
The first step in any successful SEO campaign is keyword research. According to Moz, keyword research is one of the most valuable, most important and high return steps in your SEO or search marketing campaign.
While the short keywords, as listed above, are a great place to start, more important to most website owners are the long tail keywords. These are keywords that have three or more (usually more) words within the search phrase. Even new site owners can rank high in the search engine results page if they target these long, less used, long tail keywords. Some examples for a page like this might include: "SEO tips for new website" "SEO guide for 2018" "How to do search engine optimization the right way" or "What are the current best practices for SEO?"
One of the best ways to begin your keyword research process is by going to the source itself—Google. Google AdWords offers a keyword planner tool that can be a very important way to begin your keyword search. This tool will guide you step-by-step through the process of searching for and selecting keywords for your campaign. Most importantly, it will show you some hard numbers about how utilized these keywords already are. After all, if there are already hundreds of pages competing for a certain keyword phrase, you may not want to waste your marketing efforts on trying to capture that particular one. Ideally after a short while of “playing” with this tool, you’ll have a better idea what may work for you in terms of keywords—and you can move along to the next steps of the SEO process.

On-Page Optimization
Now that you have a good idea of the keywords and types of keywords you want to focus your SEO campaign on, it’s time to begin the Search Engine Optimization process. This can be done in a number of ways.
These techniques are really only the beginning. You are only limited by your imagination (and the "laws of the land" that have made blackhat SEO techniques virtually obsolete. With all your on-page efforts, it is often a matter of trial and error. Give it a try, analyze your results and update as needed.

Link Building and Promotion
Putting your content online and adding keywords to it for the search engines is really only part of the SEO process. After your site is up and running, you will begin the process of link building and promotion. The purpose behind this is that Google and the other search engines reward pages that have links to authority websites as well as pages that have been linked to by other industry sites.
Building links is not always easy. You will want to add them to your content carefully. Don’t go overboard or you will appear like you’re trying to stuff too many in there. Additionally, make sure you are linking to reputable sites because this will make your site appear reputable too.
The more difficult step is getting links to your site out there. You can do this in a number of ways. Here are just a few:
As complex as all this may seem, this is only the beginning of what you can do with SEO. If you want some help with your project, you can hire Webociti direct and let us take care of your SEO Services for you. Or, we can provide one-on-one SEO training that will help you achieve more using the website you already have up and running. No matter what, make sure you choose to take action. Don’t ignore it—SEO is not going away. If you want to best success for your site, you will need to embrace these ideas and make them work for you. Make sure to read industry news from website like Search Engine Watch for good up to date information.
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